My twitch live stream channel…

Hello its been for ever since i have wrote/posted anything on here that will be changing, i will be writing/posting things on this blog more often.

After 2/3 years of watching twitch live streams and thinking to my self how i would like to join in on the fun of making/creating live streams i set up my live stream officially this week. I plan on doing live streams on twitch as often as posable.

I wrote on the twitch page the days/times that i will be live streaming. As the live streams get going the times will change and what the live stream will be about will change too.

What will my twitch live stream be about? The twitch live stream will be where we can hang out together and work on our crochet/knit/yarn art/fiber art projects or just hang out together and chat about yarn related things and whatever comes to mind. I also will be having some live stream video game kinda of streams but most of the time it will be working on /creating different crochet/knit/yarn art/ fiber art projects. I feel the live streams will be a good way for all of us to get hang out and get to know each other betters. I also will be playing some fun video games and chatting/ hanging out with all of you.

If you would like to join me on any of my twitch live streams my twitch name is PaintedWorldFiberArts. Here is the link to my twitch live stream page :

Talk to you on the next post,

Heather @ Painted World Fiber Arts